Tobias Grau at Ambience Systems

Ambience Systems imports, stocks and retails Tobias Grau Lighting. 

The luxurious designs by Tobias Grau are ultra contemporary and visually mesmerizing. These technologically advanced LED lights are high performance without compromising beauty and style. They are manufactured in Germany and are exceptionally well crafted using the best materials and processes.

We provide the following products, some are stocked by us and the rest are available ex Germany:

Tobias Grau Lighting
 Grand Straight Pendant

Tobias Grau Grand Straight

Tobias Grau Oh China 

Luxury Lighting Tobias Grau

Tobias Grau Palla

Tobias Grau Falling Leaf

Tobias Grau Move Around 

Feature Lighting

Tobias Grau Paris 

Tobias Grau Falling Tobias Grau Move Along
Falling Star Pendant
Tobias Grau Niceone

Tobias Grau Falling Star 

Tobias Grau Dance
Nice Pendant

Tobias Grau Nice 

Tobias Grau Globe

Tobias Grau George
Falling Leaf Pendant

Tobias Grau Grand Nice 

Tobias Grau My

Tobias Grau Studio
Grand Nice Pendant

Tobias Grau Straight 

Tobias Grau Oh

Tobias Grau XTS 


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Tobias Grau at Ambience Systems
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